Sorry for the late post. I was doing this on my phone and thought it posted...haven't done this before.
For me I believe trying to understand people is one of the foundation stones for our society and the development of relationships within our society.
It is sad that most times we look at people based off how we were raised and how we were/are treated, our own experiences. We tend to be biased and in some waiys discriminate against those that are different. I was raised to out yourself in someone elses shoes before attempting to judge someone. For cultural reasons, look at other cultures and customs before thinking something is strange. I've found when I did that, most times I'd have a new found understanding amd respect. It's good to know that the way I was raised can reflect positively on my sociology class.
I feel that when reading about the different theories, I pull more towards the Socialist Feminism. I believe that women and men should have the same opportunities and fair chances. I am well aware that men are usually physically stronger than women and would have better success at a physically demanding job but I also believe that the ability to try is still lacking in our society.
Another theory that stuck out to me was Structual Functional Theory. I have 2 young kids and often think about if I had to raise them as a single mom, there are a lot of single parent households and I have a hard enough time as a dad and mom team I couldn't imagine doing it alone. With that kind of wondering I also think about the cons of having 2 kids in a single parent family. I also try to think of solutions for a single parent household, I'm by no means anticipating this happening to me...I just think about the things I see and consider myself blessed. But going back to the topic at hand, ths functional alternative seems like a good fix.
The research methods of sociology are very similar to that of other sciences and also statistics. I felt this chapter was seld explanitory. But I wanted to discuss the beginning of chapter 3. I don't feel as if I'm a troubled person or child (past tense). I have a tattoo and had piercings and in fact, peirced my tongue myself once and repeirced it 2x's after that. I have since taken it out because during my first pregnancy the metal taste was horrid...but also that I promised myself when I had kids I would take it out. I see the way my friends kids react to weird peircings. My peircings were purely for the enjoyment of pain. I have a high threshold for pain and I found it soothing to deal with the pain that way rather than emotionally. It was a temporary fix, which is maybe why I did it so many times. But all this doesn't mean that I am a bad person, child, or mother. So to say that tattoos or body peircings are a sign of deviance is biased and offensive. They are sometimes true, but not always.